Welcome to the Senior LIFT* Center
“The Senior LIFT Center”
Living, Involvement, Fulfillment, Togetherness
provides seniors 50 and older, with a community center which offers
activities, classes, luncheons and organized excursions.
See ABOUT US for more details.
See our MEMBERSHIP page for information on joining the Senior LIFT Center.
Check our ACTIVITIES CALENDAR for classes, activities and other in-house happenings
Check our EVENTS CALENDAR for in house special events, programs, road trips, cruises and other excursion
Visit the Senior L.I.F.T. Center. Click here for directions and map.
Please help save our beloved Senior LIFT Center!
During the COVID crisis the Center has faced many financial difficulties. The rent, utilities and other maintenance contracts had to be paid even though the Center was closed until March 2020. Certain financial measures have been put in place, and the Board thanks Miami-Dade County for the grant. Since the Center is a non- essential business, we are unable to solicit monies from foundations or other sources.
Even with the above measures, the Center still needs support from you, your family and friends. Please give generously and pass on this link to everyone in your contact list.
Thank you!
* “Life is fun together!” – this is what Luca Viteri says LIFT really means. Luca is the grandson of member Thomas Walsh.